Fall 2024 CECRAOHN Election (October 7 - October 21)
Posted 5 months ago by Victoria Michalchuk (The California State Association of Occupational Health Nurses) in Action requested
Fall 2024 CECRAOHN Election (October 7 - October 21)
(two-year term, beginning January 2025)
Thank you for voting on open positions on the CECRAOHN Board of Directors (2-year terms beginning 01/01/2025 for three board positions and two positions on the Nominations Committee). All active members (including students and retirees) can vote. Affiliate members are not eligible to vote. You can only vote once.
Click HERE for the Google Forms link to vote. Email is sent to the address on file with AAOHN or CECRAOHN--please check your spam/junk mail folders for this email.
You will have the opportunity to choose one candidate for each position (Nominations committee has two open positions), or choose to enter the name of a write-in candidate. Write-in candidates, who are members of CECRAOHN, will be contacted after the election to determine their willingness to serve.
This ballot will be open from October 7 through October 21, 2024. Election results will be announced at the CECRAOHN Annual Business Meeting (TBD). Results will also be posted on the CECRAOHN website: https://cecraohn.nursingnetwork.com.
If you feel you are eligible to vote and did not receive an email with the Google Forms link, please contact Stephanie Phelps, Chair of Nominations, at sphelps@gmail.com with any questions you have about the ballot process.
Thank you,
CECRAOHN Nominations Committee:
Stephanie Phelps, Nominations Chair
Soo-Jeong Lee, Nominations Committee