Call for nominations to CECRAOHN Board of Directors
Posted 11 months ago by Stephanie Phelps in CECRAOHN Nominations
The CECRAOHN Nominations Committee invites you to consider running for a position on the Board of Directors. The terms of office are two years; we are formulating a ballot for an election in Fall, 2024.
Come be an important part of our local occupational health nursing community!
Open Positions:
Membership Director: This position is responsible for membership tracking, reporting, and outreach.
Skills that can be gained in this position: networking, leadership, and collaboration skills.
Understanding structure and operations of a professional association board of directors.
Time commitment: 2 to 4 hours per month for a two (2) year term. - Communications Director: This position is responsible for maintaining and updating the CECRAOHN website and social media . Posts announcements for the membership. Skills that can be gained in this position: increased website and social media skills, familiarity with other occupational health organizations, and educational events. Time commitment: 2 to 4 hours per month for a two (2) year term.
- Programs Director: This position is one of two Program Directors, who are responsible for designing and facilitating CE programs for our members, with the goal to reach to members from different parts of our large region. This position provides a good opportunity to network with colleagues. Skills that can be gained in this position: communication, organization of documents, computer skills. Time commitment: about 2 to 4 hours per month for two (2) year term.
- Nominations Committee (2 positions): The Nominations Committee of 3 members manages the annual election of the Board, calling for candidates for open positions, developing the ballot and insuring certification of the election. Skills that can be gained in this position: computer skills, networking with potential candidates and other board members. Time commitment: 1 to 2 hours per month with the bulk of activity in the summer and fall months for a two year (2) term.
Active, retiree, and student members with current membership are able to hold elected positions. Consent to serve with a short biography is required to be placed on the ballot. Please contact one of us if you have any questions. Thank you!
Stephanie Phelps, Chair, Nominations Committee,
Soo-Jeong Lee, Nominations Committee,