California El Camino Real Association of Occupational Health Nurses
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COEH Conference 2/1/24 (online) and 2/2/24 (in-person): registration for in-person on 2/2 closes on 1/19/24

Posted about 1 year ago by Stephanie Phelps in Education

- In-Person Registration Closes at 5 PM on January 19th -

Thursday, February 1st (Online) & Friday, February 2nd (In-Person)

For more information & to register: 

46th Annual UC Berkeley Lela Morris Symposium &

42nd Annual UC Davis Occupational and Environmental Medicine Symposium

Registration Fee: $75.00 - $245.00

In-Person Registration Closes at 5 PM on Friday, January 19th


Join the Northern California Centers for Occupational and Environmental Health for a deep dive into the chemical, biological, and physical hazards of navigating climate extremes. Learn about the rising prevalence of Valley fever and vector-borne illnesses, discuss the impacts of rising temperatures on worker safety, and explore emerging research on the health impacts of wildfire smoke and debris exposure.


Leverage the convenience of remote learning on Thursday, February 1st, and tune in online for a live stream exploring emerging research and treatment updates, with the opportunity to view recorded lectures in advance.

Then join us in person on Friday, February 2nd, for a day of interdisciplinary collaboration, case-based workshops, and networking. Connect with peers from medicine, nursing, industrial hygiene, occupational safety, and allied disciplines to apply what you've learned in a case-based approach incorporating upstream prevention, downstream treatment, and the identification of regulatory successes, gaps, and challenges. Finally, practice communicating about these critical health issues to targeted audiences including workers, patients, employers, the public, and policy makers.