California El Camino Real Association of Occupational Health Nurses
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2024 CECRAOHN Board

Posted 6 months ago by Stephanie Phelps in CECRAOHN Updates

Dear CECRAOHN Member,

  I hope 2024 has started off well for you!  My term as CECRAOHN President has come to a close and I am honored to announce Erin Davis as your 2024 - 2025 CECRAOHN President.
  The CECRAOHN Board works with passion and dedication to ensure CECRAOHN is a leader in promoting occupational and environmental health best practices in the workplace while providing opportunities for quality education and professional networking.  I appreciate all the time and energy the past and present Board members have contributed to CECRAOHN.  In 2023, CECRAOHN sponsored seven educational and networking events (four in-person events and three webinars).  
  The 2024 CECRAOHN Board is preparing an event filled year!  To view the 2024 CECRAOHN Board, please click here.  If you would like to serve on the CECRAOHN Board, please email me at, we are currently seeking to fill the role of Membership Director.  Wishing you and yours a safe, healthy, and prosperous year!
Stephanie Phelps
Former CECRAOHN President
Current CECRAOHN Nominations Committee Member