California El Camino Real Association of Occupational Health Nurses
Stay Connected

Managing a Business With a Dwindling Workforce Due to Covid-19

Posted almost 3 years ago by Stephanie Phelps in Education

Join Us in Two Weeks for April's Live Webinar
Thursday, April 28, 2022
11:00 am - 12:00 pm Central Time
Contact Hours: 1.0
Non-Members: $20
During the height of the pandemic many employees were ill, leaving a small number of employees to carry the load. These employees were stressed and fatigued. Occupational health nurses were tasked with monitoring exposures, determining when an employee needed to be removed from work and tested and when an employee could return to work. In this session, you'll learn about procedures to address stress and fatigue, including a robust tracking and return to work program.
Upon completion of this session, the learner will be able to:
  • List at least two things the company did to relieve the stress and fatigue of the workforce. 
  • Describe the role occupational health played in monitoring and returning employees to work. 
Registration Process and Webinar Live Broadcast Access
All live webinars will only be available in the AAOHN Online Education Center. To register for a live webinar:
  1. Log in to your AAOHN account. Click here to set up an account.
  2. Select the Education tab, then "Live Webinars."
  3. Browse the live webinars and select to add to your courses.
  4. Update your calendar with the date of the live broadcast.
  5. On the day of the webinar, navigate to the "Education" tab, then "Online Education" and click on the “Access the AAOHN Online Education Center."
  6. View your in-progress courses and click "Launch" for the live broadcast at the specified time.
  7. If prompted, select the option to open the webinar or launch in your browser.
  8. You may need to scroll past the handouts in the course menu to the webinar and the evaluation.
Review the Live and Recorded Webinar FAQ document for more information.
Can't join us live? Webinar recordings will be available in 2-3 weeks post-broadcast!