California El Camino Real Association of Occupational Health Nurses
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Call for nominations to CECRAOHN Board of Directors

Posted 11 months ago by Mark Anthony Carlos in CECRAOHN Nominations

This announcement has 2 attachments:

The CECRAOHN Nominations Committee invites you to consider running for a position on the Board of Directors. The terms of office are two years; we are formulating a ballot for an election in Fall, 2023.

Come be an important part of our local occupational health nursing community!

Open Positions:

  1. President-Elect: This position assumes the role of President at the end of the President’s two-year term. As President-Elect, this position provides oversight of the Bylaws revision process, as needed, and is the liaison with AAOHN in regards to chapter leadership development activities. AAOHN membership is required.


  1. Secretary: This position is responsible for the integrity of the Board’s documents, and drafts, posts, and maintains the minutes of all CECRAOHN meetings on the CECRAOHN website. The Secretary also conducts the general correspondence, and manages email and post office accounts. AAOHN membership is required.


  1. Treasurer: This position manages the fiscal accounts for CECRAOHN, which includes depositing funds into the bank account, paying all bills per Board policy and procedure, and keeping itemized records of receipts and disbursements and book of accounts. There is a new online payment system. The Treasurer provides a financial report at each meeting of the Board of Directors, submits an annual financial report to the annual CECRAOHN business meeting, and submits the books and records for an annual independent review by an external party appointed by the Board of Directors. AAOHN membership is required.


  1. Programs Director: This position is one of two Program Directors, who are responsible for designing and facilitating CE programs for our members, with the goal to outreach to members from different parts of our large region. Webinars will be piloted this year. 


  1. Director, Government Affairs: OEHN practice relates to the political landscape. Help us track and respond to important new and proposed laws and regulations. Communication to members is easy using the CECRAOHN/Nursing Network website. This position is also an important liaison to the California State Association of Occupational Health Nurses (CSAOHN).
  2. Nominations Committees (2 positions): The Nominations Committee does outreach to our members to assess interest in open positions, and prepares an annual ballot for open Board and Nominations Committee elections.

Active, retiree, and student members with current membership are able to hold elected positions. Consent to serve with a short biography is required to be placed on the ballot.  Please contact one of us if you have any questions. Thanks!


Soo-Jeong Lee, Chair, Nominations Committee,

Beverly Nuchols, Nominations Committee,

Kate Papadopoulos, Nominations Committee,